
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 29th February: Pay and Grade Structure Proposals Ballot, MacGate, GM, 13th March, 1-2

1) Pay and Grade Structure Proposals 2024

Our ‘IMPORTANT: University of Bristol UCU consultative ballot (February 2024)’ closes today. Please do complete if you haven’t already: check your email inbox.

The branch Executive Committee meets on March 5th to approve or not the proposals [link].  

Executive Committee will also approve or not a proposed revision to the proposals to continue to appoint new starters to the bottom spine point of their grade. This avoids potential pay disparity but will extend pay progression up the grade.

2) MacGate

Personal/third-party-owned Apple Mac devices will continue to have access to University services after the 6th  March. Details were communicated to all staff yesterday.

There will be around five weeks in which users of laptop and desktops running macOS will need to permit a certain level of University management to continue accessing those services on those devices after early/mid-April.  

Following member outrage over the decision, the reasons for it and the 6th March deadline, Bristol UCU reps had asked the University to at least postpone the removal of access to University services from the 6th March for colleagues using personal and third-party owned Apple Mac computers.

Users of personal Apple devices will need to complete a form in which they explicitly accept risks associated with University management of their device.

3) General Meeting, Wednesday 13th March, 13:00-14:00, Microsoft Teams

To join:

The pay and grade structure proposals will be the main agenda item.