
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 12th July: University of Bristol Wall of Shame – Add Your ‘Outrage’

1) University of Bristol Wall of Shame: Add Your ‘Outrage’

Post your University of Bristol academic standards ‘outrage’ on our Wall of Shame. Click on the ‘+’:

To share with students, stakeholders, politicians, policymakers, and Bristolians.

Already we can see examples of:

  • Parent exam boards’ oligarchic overruling of the board below
  • Interpolated, ‘made-up’ marks
  • Perfunctory feedback given by unqualified, strike-breaking markers
  • Unclassified degrees pending a mark
  • Dissertations going unmoderated
  • External Examiners resigning
  • Exam Boards unilaterally cancelled at the last minute
  • ‘No Confidence’ Motions at Exam Boards
  • Skewed marking

Note: posts are anoymised. The School/Department is not named; posts are moderated.

If members wish to report any ‘outrages’, please add via the ‘+’ or alternatively email

See also: