
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 23rd June 2021

1) Emergency Online Branch Meeting, Monday, 28th June, 13:00-14:00, Microsoft Teams

Bristol UCU members are invited to an Emergency Online Branch Meeting Monday next week, 13:00-14:00. To join the meeting on Monday, click on the link below:

A reminder with the Teams link will be sent on Monday morning.

The meeting has been called ‘to discuss the outcomes from Congress and get your input as to how you want to conduct the campaigns which Congress delegates have voted for on your behalf’.

This follows motions passed at UCU Congress 29 May- 2 June at the Higher Education Sector Conference with regards to the pensions and 4 Fights dispute [link], and a request from UCU HQ to branches to call members’ meetings before the 2nd July.

As noted in the General Secretary’s email ‘Recent UCU Congress decisions and the next year in higher education’ sent on Monday, ‘this year’s Congress took some important decisions about the campaigns which it wants the union to prioritise over the next year. Most importantly, it decided to build towards UK-wide industrial action over USS pensions and over pay, equality, job security and workload’.

For more information, for a list of questions to consider and for a link to Congress motions, see:

This meeting has been called at short notice and Branch Officers note the current demands on members’ time as regards marking and moderation.

The timing of this meeting is so as to inform a meeting of UCU’s Higher Education Committee, the body responsible for industrial action policy and the implementation of UCU Congress decisions, which meets on 2nd July.