
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 22nd April 2020

1) Call For Nominations – Branch Officers and Executive Committee Members

We have our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 20th May, 1pm-2pm. Online hosting details tbc.

On the agenda: the election of the Branch President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership/Recruitment Secretary, Anti-Casualisation Officer and Equality Officer for 2020-2021, as well as Members of Exec for 2020-2023.

If you would like to nominate yourself, or others, for a role, or would like further information, please email the Branch Secretary Jamie Melrose (

The closing date for nomination is Wednesday, 6th May. An agenda will be circulated on the same day.

2) Changes to How We Contact You

Due to the University closing the Sympa email system, we will be moving this all members email list – that we use to contact you and to distribute Newsflash – to Jiscmail –

As part of this process you will receive two emails – one outlining the Terms & Conditions of using the Jiscmail service and the other introducing you to how to use Jiscmail. Please be reassured that you do not need to take any action to continue receiving emails from the Branch.

We expect that this change will take place in within the next two weeks.

3) Furloughing and “Job Swap”

Branch and campus union negotiators have been working before and after Easter on the University of Bristol’s Job Retention Scheme. Before Easter this saw the welcome commitment by the University to include TSS staff in the Scheme, and to pay the 20% of salary not covered by the government’s scheme for furloughed TSS staff.  This week we have seen initial proposals for the ‘job swap’ scheme for Professional Services staff.

We have been sharing updates with your School, Department and Professional Service Reps. If you have further questions on the state of negotiations, please contact your local rep or

4) Working From Home Survey

Please note: members will receive a short ‘working from home’ branch survey on Friday.