
Bristol UCU Newsflash, 18th July: Election – University of Bristol UCU Branch Delegate, UCU Democracy Commision

UCU Congress 2018 agreed to elect a Democracy Commision ‘to review the democratic structures of the union and to bring recommendations to a special one-day Congress next year’.

The University of Bristol UCU branch is entitled to put forward one member for election to the Commision. Bristol UCU members are invited to nominate themselves as the branch representative.

In the event of more than one nominations, the branch will hold an e-ballot to determine the branch representative.

Please note that the Bristol UCU delegated representative will then go forward to a ballot of all UCU members to take one of 12 places on the Commision reserved for Higher Education branch representatives .

The Commision has 41 places, 22 of which are reserved for branch representatives, 12 for HE, 8 for Further Education, 2 for prison, adult and community educators. The remaining places are reserved for UCU’s advisory committees, regional and devolved nations reps.

If you are interested in the Bristol UCU delegate position, then email with your nomination – your name and membership number – and a statement of up to 150 words.

The Branch Secretary also requests that you provide the details of two other Bristol UCU members to support your nomination, a request in keeping with the model for the nomination of local representatives as outlined in the local branch rules.

The deadline for receiving nominations to is Friday, 27th July by 17:00.

The deadline for reporting the Bristol UCU delegate to UCU head office is Friday, 10 August by 17:00.

In the event of more than one nomination, the branch will need to conduct an e-ballot, opening on Monday, 30th July, with the results to be announced on Wednesday, 8th August.