
Your Bristol UCU Newsflash, 4th July 2018

1) National Strike Ballot – Consultative Pay Ballot Result

The results of the recent consultative e-ballot are in: UCU HE members have voted to reject the employers’ final below inflation and employers’ inaction regarding gender pay and casual contracts.

In the consultative e-ballot, UCU members indicated their support for industrial action.

Members will now be formally balloted. This ballot opens in August and closes in October.

For further details:

The immediate priority is UCU’s Get the Vote Out (GTVO) campaign.

2) Gender Pay Gap

Although we had a constructive first meeting with the University Management Team about the Gender Pay Claim back on 17th May, progress since then has been much slower than Bristol UCU reps would have hoped.

At that meeting, it was agreed that UCU and the UMT would release a joint statement signalling a mutual commitment to working together to tackle the Gender Pay Gap, and that this would set the parameters for our future negotiations.

We submitted a draft of this joint statement to them on 23rd May, and have been pushing for a response since.

We have our next meeting tomorrow and have made it clear that finalising the joint statement is our priority. We hope to have more to share with you next week.

3) Staff Voice 2018 – #wearetheUniversity

Campus trades unions have submitted their report of the #wearetheUniversity half-day conference to the Vice Chancellor and HR Director. This will inform union negotiating priorities during 2018-2019:

We are meeting the VC and HR Director today.

4) Claim Today Grade J – Local Hardship Fund

Please note: staff on Grade J are now able to claim from our Local Bristol UCU Hardship Fund:

If you are on Grade I or an Hourly-Paid Teacher, you are also eligible to claim today!