
Your Bristol UCU Newsflash, 14th February 2018

1) EGM Today@13:30

To set up our Local Hardship Fund, we need to approve an enabling motion at an Emergency General Meeting, TODAY, at 13:30, Victoria Rooms G16:

Motion – Bristol UCU Local Hardship Fund [pdf]

We will also discuss the terms and conditions of the fund:

Terms and Conditions – University of Bristol UCU Local Hardship Fund [pdf]

The main business will be to pass the motion, but we will also take questions on the upcoming action. The meeting should last only 30 mins. We need a quorate meeting, so your attendance would be greatly appreciated.

Please note: the Hardship Fund will prioritise low paid staff in precarious employment, in particular, staff currently not contributing to USS.

2) Bristol UCU Women’s Meeting@14:00

Our UCU women’s meeting is today, 14th February at 14.00 in G16, Victoria Rooms.

Please do come along if you can. We are building a campaign to put pressure on the University to commit to closing the gender pay gap within three years. But to do that, we need you!

Topics for discussion will include:

the Gender Pay Claim

our Gender Pay Gap event on 8th March

International Women’s Day

ideas for building the campaign

If you are able to attend, please sign up here:

3) USS resources for you and your students

These are now available from the Bristol UCU website and includes:

powerpoint presentation for staff to use at the start/end of lectures [link]

proforma letter from staff to student [link]

student email for the VC (includes loss of fees) [link]

email for staff to send to their MP [link]

proforma out of office message / signature text / reporting after strike action [to follow]

4) Celia Hollingworth

The unveiling of the memorial bench for Celia Hollingworth is scheduled for Royal Fort Gardens on Thursday 12 April.

More details will be announced shortly.

With the permission of Celia’s family, a number of her friends and fellow political activists from various campaigns and groups in Bath, Bristol and beyond are holding a memorial and celebration of her life.

The event will take place at the Thunderbolt, 124 Bath Road, Totterdown, Bristol, BS4 3ED on 14th March from 19:30.

4) NEC Elections 2018

For more information about the current elections to UCU’s NEC: