
Your Bristol UCU Newsflash, 22nd March 2017

1) Timetabling and Staff Constraints Thanks to everyone who contributed at the General Meeting last week on the new Staff Constraints Guidance, and the Timetabling Policy in general over the last month. Following the General Meeting, branch officers have sent a letter [PDF] outlining the branch position. Our key point is a timetable to review […]


Bristol UCU Recruitment Newsflash, 29th February 2017: Meet UCU For Lunch, Recruit A Friend, New GS, GM in the Calendar, Twitter etc.

1) Meet UCU For Lunch Thanks to everyone who came to our lunchtime event yesterday, member and non-member. Part of UCU’s national Recruitment Week, the event saw a range of issues discussed and questions posed. It was good to talk in such a convivial, informal setting. Fingers crossed the event will see a further spike […]