
‘From REF to TEF: On the Government’s Plans for Higher Education’, Thursday, 21st January 2016, 17:00-18:30, Old Council Chamber, Wills Memorial Building

Bristol UCU invites you to From REF to TEF: On the Government’s Plans for Higher Education, a panel discussion and Q&A on the future of Higher Education in the wake of the government’s recent proposals.

For tickets, please go to:

From REF to TEF provides a space to debate this direction of travel. What exactly do the Green Paper and coming White Paper mean for the notion of a University? What is to be done in the face of Jo Johnson’s ‘reform’ agenda?

Panellists include:

  • Sorana Vieru (NUS Vice President, Higher Education)
  • Harriet Bradley (UWE and UCU NEC and HEC)
  • Jessica Patterson, (PGR Rep, NCAFC)
  • Tom Hickey (University of Brighton)