
Your Bristol UCU Newsflash, 3rd April 2019

AGM Notification and Nominations for Officer and Executive Committee Roles All members are invited to our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, 8th May, 13:00-14:00, Arts Complex, LT3. We will be electing our Branch Officers and a ⅓ of our Executive Committee for 2019/20. Nominations for these positions are officially open. If you are interested in […]


Your Bristol UCU Newsflash, 27th March 2019

Gender Pay video As the University announces the decrease in the gender pay gap from last year’s 16.2% to 13.6%, we invite you to view and share Bristol UCU’s brand new video, in which Dr Sumita Mukherjee talks about her personal experience of the Gender Pay Gap at Bristol University. As Sumita says, the personal […]